Create fully functional websites or blogs in no time and with little effort, using only text files. 👌
Herbie is a simple, modern, fast and highly customizable flat-file Content Management System (CMS) powered by PHP, Twig, Markdown, Textile, reStructuredText and other human-readable text files.
Herbie is powered by proven libraries:
- Markdown, reStructuredText and Textile for formatting page content
- Twig template engine for rendering layouts and extending core functionality
- Yaml and JSON for data structure files
- Composer and Packagist for dependency and plugin management
Thanks to its plugin system Herbie is highly customizable and brings support for:
- Application Middlewares
- Route Middlewares
- Event Listeners
- Twig Filters
- Twig Globals
- Twig Functions
- Twig Tests
- Console Commands
Herbie implements the following PHP standard recommendations:
- PSR-1 Basic Coding Standard
- PSR-3 Logger Interface
- PSR-4 Autoloading Standard
- PSR-7 HTTP Message Interface
- PSR-11 Container Interface
- PSR-12 Extended Coding Style
- PSR-14 Event Dispatcher
- PSR-15 HTTP Handlers
- PSR-16 Simple Cache
- PSR-17 HTTP Factories
Herbie is well tested:
- Unit Tests, Integration Tests and Acceptance Tests with Codeception
- Static Code Analysis with PHPStan
- Code Fixing with PHP Coding Standards Fixer