
This documentation explains the most important topics for creating a website or blog with Herbie.

What exactly is Herbie?

Herbie is a content management system based on flat-files and therefore does not require a database. The content of the website is loaded from the file system from simple text files. The program goes through a defined directory of text files, converts these files according to their file extension and outputs them - embedded in an HTML layout - as a complete website.

Herbie is influenced by flat-file CMS systems from the Ruby, Go and PHP world. Among them are names like Grav, Hugo, Jekyll, Stacey or Statamic, just to name a few. The project was born out of the need to have a system available to realize websites easily and quickly. The development is based on a current version of PHP and the use of proven concepts and components.

Where is the name coming from?

Well, the name comes from Herbie Hancock. He is one of the most impressive and influential jazz musicians of all time. So in a way this project is dedicated to him and his work.